Why You Should Do What You're Good At—And Outsource All The Rest
Many people decide to set up a small business because they are an expert in a particular field and feel that they have a product or service that would be of use to the general public. Yet many of these entrepreneurs fail to appreciate just how much work is involved in running an enterprise like this. They end up taking on a very time-consuming and stressful job instead of putting themselves on the path toward freedom.
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Do You Qualify for a Refund of Your Australian Taxes?
Have you ever worked in Australia but have never intended to call it your permanent home? If so, you may well be interested in learning how to reclaim some of the tax that you paid while you were on those shores, but don't know how to go about this. Where should you start in order to get back the money that you're due? Were You a Tax Resident? Firstly, you must be clear about your "
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